Ideawake | WI Special Offer

Wisconsin’s employees have great ideas.

Are you listening?

Let’s talk innovation.


How Much Are You Losing by Not Collecting Employee Ideas?

Reduce your costs.

57% percent of employees have ideas to save their company time or money.

Increase engagement.

90% of employees said if their employers did a better job hearing their ideas, it would increase engagement.

Accelerate growth.

Amazon Prime, Gmail, and Post-its were all employee ideas. What game-changing ideas might your employees have?

“An organization should have effective idea generation and development processes to create new offerings, both by generating a broad and diverse set of ideas and by converting these ideas into profitable business concepts.”

Software to Facilitate Ideation and Maximize Engagement

Collect employee ideas with ease.

  • Automate the collection of high-impact ideas from your team or entire organization.
  • Facilitate engagement in real-time with idea voting, commenting, and sharing.
  • Gamify the process to achieve average participation rates of 60-80%.

Save hours with built-in evaluations & workflows.

  • Say goodbye to endless rows of excel data by using custom scorecards.
  • Assign ideas to a decision maker and hold them accountable.
  • Collect key data needed to assess ROI.

Get more ideas to implementation.

  • Easily rank and sort to surface your organization’s best ideas.
  • Assign teams for prototyping and testing.
  • Track your program’s ROI and reward key players.

Wisconsin Success Stories

Mercury Engages 500+ Team Members to Generate New Patents

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ExamOne Identifies $1,400,000 in 6 Month Savings

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Advocate Aurora Transforms Culture and Doubles Engagement

View results »

To support fellow Wisconsin companies, Ideawake is offering discounted licenses to the first 100 Wisconsin organizations that take the pledge to empower their employees with a voice.

Coby Skonord, CEO

Let’s help Wisconsin innovate.

Schedule a discovery call with our team today to see if we can help your organization innovate more effectively.  

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