How we help you setup your innovation program for success before, during and after launch.
Setting up your innovation program for success by assisting with strategy, leadership buy in, promotion, and launch.
A report that provides insight into whether your organization has the resources, skills, and capabilities to achieve your innovation goals along with an action plan in order to overcome deficiencies.
Determine your organizations goals, our innovation horizon, and desired output from your program.
Measure your leadership team and mid-level management on six factors that make up the fundamentals of any successful innovation program.
An action plan on how to setup your innovation program to achieve your goals based on your current culture, resources, and infrastructure.
Readiness Score: A score based on best practices for each section of your assessment to determine which areas of your organization need the most work.
Action Plan: Understand the steps that you need to take in order to setup your innovation program to achieve your desired goals.
Custom Innovation Funnel: A customized step by step innovation process that will result in the best output for your program and goals.
Leadership support for your innovation program is critical, regardless of its size or scope. We’ll meet with your senior leadership team to help understand what success looks like, and address any of their objections in order to get their full buy in before taking your program live.
We assist you in every facet of setting up your platform during the onboarding process and help update your configuration as necessary throughout your innovation program. This includes covering the following platform configuration options:
Single Sign On Integration: Integration into client’s current employee user management system also known as “Active Directory” in order to avoid requiring duplicate logins to access Ideawake platform.
Workflows and Stages: Ideawake uses workflows which contain stages and statuses promote transparency. These features demonstrate to users how their ideas are surfaced, evaluated, selected, and implemented.
Users and Groups: Host a training and onboarding workshop for your champion network to onboard them to Ideawake and help them understand their role in making your innovation program successful.
Email Messaging Customization: Customize the text and image displayed on the invite email being sent out for new users in your community. For a full list of transactional emails, see Ideawake Transactional Emails.
Open or Closed Signup: Decide if people will only be able to sign up for your community by invite or if anyone will be able to sign up on your platform.
Categories and Tags: Modify the category, area of impact, group to implement, and level of difficulty to implement categories in your community.
Prizes and Incentives: You can optionally have prizes enabled or disabled on your innovation platform. If disabled, users will not be able to see the “prizes” widget on the right sidebar of the challenge list or leaderboard page.
Platform Languages: Your default platform language can be set to English, French, Italian, Arabic, Spanish, or several other language options. Additional languages can be setup upon request.
Custom designed emails that are sent to build awareness before your platform goes live, increase engagement after your platform goes live, and communicate results and progress of projects to your organization after your challenges end.
When your platform goes live, we’ve found it helpful to distribute offline marketing materials to promote your program. This includes 24×36 posters as well as 5×7 cards explaining how your program works and why users should participate in three simple steps.
In order to effectively communicate your employee innovation program, it’s helpful to have a cross-functional team to champion and communicate the initiative throughout your organization. Based upon best practice, we’ll help you:
Identification and Setup: Identify how to best setup your champion network based on your organizational structure and geographical makeup.
Training and Onboarding: Host a training and onboarding workshop for your champion network to onboard them to Ideawake and help them understand their role in making your innovation program successful.
Materials and Handouts: Provide the champion network with materials and presentations that they can use to communicate the program to the rest of your organization.
Introduce moderators to their Ideawake platform and invite them to test out functionality. The following activities will happen during initial training and onboarding.
Technical Training and Onboarding: Demo functionality for managers and invite them to your platform to test drive the software. Field question and answer session after the demo and invites are completed.
Roles and Responsibilities: Explain the responsibilities of moderators and help them understand their role in making your innovation program successful.
Common Mistakes and Solutions: Cover the common mistakes that moderators will encounter before, during and after the launch of your program, and how to overcome each.
A dedicated innovation specialist will be working closely with you throughout the process and be helping with the training, onboarding, and facilitation of your corporate accelerator program.
We help you launch your front-line challenge in person during initial rollout for the first 2 days it goes live to learn, help troubleshoot, setup promotional materials and promote your challenge to front line caregivers to spur initial engagement.
How we help you keep an active community, continually train your team, and enable your organization to think more entrepreneurially.
Helping with the weekly activation, content creation, idea elevation and continuing engagement within your Ideawake community.
Platform Administration: Includes inviting new users, resending invites to increase active users, and moving ideas across different stages in your workflow.
Targeted Feedback: Leaving targeted feedback on user submitted ideas with a goal of fostering creative thinking as well as sustaining engagement throughout the challenge period.
Updating Insights and Thought Starters: Updating thought starters and insights on your platform in orderto spur fresh thinking and ideas from front-line employees.
Measuring Impact: Assistance with measuring and ranking financial impact of shortlisted ideas under a challenge topic based on clients’ innovation goals.
Our checklists help guide you step by step through best practices on how to plan, launch, and deliver results on your employee innovation program. Our knowledgebase helps you handle everything technical related to your Ideawake platform, like posting challenges, inviting users, and viewing analytics.
Train moderator team on best practices for surfacing, selecting, and evaluating ideas in your community. We use templates and demonstrate step by step how anyone in your organization can help with prioritization and projecting revenue growth or cost savings, even without a finance background.
During these strategy meetings, the Ideawake team helps measure the effectiveness of your platform and provides suggestions on how to improve platform engagement, idea quality and idea quantity. We then take data gathered during meetings and use it to iterate and improve program performance.
All Ideawake plans come with end user support via email and administrator support via email and phone. Technical and user support includes helping users with obstacles encountered like resetting passwords and completing common actions like posting, commenting, and voting on ideas.
Custom reports will be sent out to key stakeholders in order to demonstrate progress of the program based on the critical success factors that have been set by your team.
Common analytics include engagement rate, ideas and comment posted, votes placed, and the dollar value of each stage in your innovation pipeline.
2 surveys to benchmark and measure the improvement to your employee engagement, innovation, and learning rates from leveraging Ideawake. One survey is conducted before the launch of the front-line challenge, the second is conducted 1 month after the end of idea selection from your front-line challenge.
Supercharge the results you achieve from your innovation program by teaching your employees how to think more entrepreneurially. Ideawake’s employee driven corporate accelerator empowers front-line employees with the tools they need to rapidly test, validate, and pilot their own ideas.
Planning and support with the facilitation team for your accelerator program. Activities include helping onboard new facilitators, helping in the planning process for maximizing the probability of team success throughout the program, addressing and helping overcome common obstacles as teams travel through the accelerator process, and answering any other questions that may arise during the program.
We work closely with you in identifying who will help administer your accelerator program and provide cusotmized coaching and materials based on your programs goals in order to set your organization for success.
Take employees down a self-driven path to validate, test, and pilot their ideas from your challenges.
Your accelerator program can contain physical or digital materials that provide step-by-step instructions, worksheets, and examples that provide employees the ability to rapidly test and validate their own ideas.
We provide materials for both employees going through your program and for facilitators responsible for coaching your employees through the program.
During each accelerator program that you run, the Ideawake team will provide in person or virtual facilitation sessions for both your front-line employees going through the program as well as training for your facilitators to scale the program.
One of the biggest barriers to the speed of an innovation program being able to execute is lack of internal resources to test and prototype new concepts going through your innovation pipeline.
That’s why we’ve partnered with industry leading organizations that your employees can optionally collaborate with during pre-defined points in your corporate accelerator program to speed up testing, prototyping, and ultimately idea validation.
Discover $100,000 in financial impact in 30 days or get your money back.