Powerful features that are easy to use so that you can create a highly engaging process to collect ideas, identify the best one's faster, and transform more of them into impact.
Workflows & Stages
Guide the feedback your receiving to align with department goals and a...
Customize the steps ideas go through from collection to implementation...
Allow users to submit their ideas anonymously in order to increase par...
Improve collaboration and save moderators time by showing similar idea...
Access Ideawake anytime, anywhere you have an internet connection by c...
Optionally, allow anyone to register for your community.Ideawake offer...
Optionally, require users to request access before they are able to ac...
Import your data via a CSV upload or tap into our Zapier integration t...
Embed Ideawake directly into your company intranet, public webpage, or...
Incentivize participation by giving users points for completing value ...
Provide users with points as the complete value added activities relat...
See the most influential innovators in your community based on how muc...
Offer prizes for participation in your community. Base the prizes on l...
Collaborate with participants on posted solutions in real time to iter...
Mention users or groups to automatically notify them to provide feedba...
Easily share ideas with others who may be interested in helping make t...
Make idea submissions more delightful by allowing users to save drafts...
Limit visibility and access of each challenge topic you post by depart...
Customize the fields you collect when an idea is initially submitted. ...
Automatically route ideas to relevant decision makers based on the tag...
Engage different stakeholders in their own communities which can have ...
Collect additional research and information about ideas in order to de...
Assign owners automatically based on category, or manually assign owne...
Assign users to teams or let teams form around ideas naturally in orde...
Seamlessly collaborate around ideas by being able to embed powerpoints...
Enable collaboration by automatically notifying users when activity re...
Notify users when their others interact with their idea via commenting...
Post announcements to keep the community updated about your innovation...
Select custom evaluation criteria to match organizational goals and pr...
Ideawakes automation suite allows you to put repeat and mundane tasks ...
Identify relationships between different ideas by link ones that are s...
Add value, cost, and time to implement to each idea and track total RO...
Easily compare ideas in your innovation pipeline based on value, cost ...
Save time and effort by being able to update mutliple ideas simultaneo...
Ideawake comes built in with advanced filtering so you can quickly fin...
Create custom lists to share the ideas or information your boss needs ...
Display all ideas in your community in a tablular format. Customize yo...
Our cards list is an easier to digest, user friendly view that is set ...
Display all ideas in your community by stage in swimlanes to visually ...
Track the average number of days it takes an idea to complete each sta...
Hold owners accountable by automatically sending them reminders for pa...
Translate ideas, challenges, and other content written in other langua...
Export ideas and all data associated with them into CSV to run additio...
Create charts to show financial return on investment, high value ideas...
Track the percentage of users or groups who have signed in or particip...
Take full control of who can see specific ideas in your community to s...
Track active users, ideas, votes, and ROI day over day, month over mon...
Track the status and progress of ideas as they move through your innov...
Customize your color scheme based on your brand colors to create consi...
Customize your platforms logo, messaging, as well as look and feel to ...
Customize your platforms domain to match your organizations branding.
Take full control over the email templates in Ideawake to match your b...
Choose from over 14 different types of custom fields to allow your org...
Customize your community and challenge navigation to only show the lin...
Vote on ideas, comments, and content with simple thumbs up voting.
Assign users to complete specific tasks during specific stages of your...
More accurately rank ideas by removing bias from the voting process by...
Merge ideas that are similar to each other in order to avoid duplicate...
Use groups to target and control access to challenges, idea visibility...
Fun to use project management system that comes built in with teams, m...
Integrate platform with Active Directory for provisioning and deprovis...
Ability to securely hook into our API to transfer data from Ideawake i...
Track which projects are on track, which need attention, and which are...